Voting on Node Participation Eligibility of DANGNN Mainnet
Last updated
Last updated
Voting for rights to node participation is available from 2 Epoch and can vote every 1 Epoch (1 Epoch = 30,000 x 14.5 sec)
Voting is done at the end of the Epoch with candidates registered.
Miners can vote and only vote as much as they mined in the Epoch where voting takes place. Stakes mined in the previous Epoch do not affect the current vote.
Candidate registration period: Candidate can register between the Epoch where the voting will take place and the previous Epoch. Registered candidates are saved in a separate pool and automatically deleted from the candidate list after the Epoch, where the voting is finished.
Voting period: Miners can vote anytime during the Epoch period during which voting takes place.
Voting rules: Miners can support one or more candidates or even those who did not register as a candidate. Miners can second as many candidates as blocks generated during the Epoch time during the voting period.
Election result: If the candidate receives more than a 51% approval rate in Epoch during the election, the mining rights will be granted.